In 48 Seconds, Learn How Wi-Fi Dead Zones Are Created and How Bond Solves the Problem
By Philip Mustain, CEO, Co-Founder, Mobolize
This video about our new product Mobolize | Bond lasts about as long as many of us (including your customers) are stuck in dead zones. But it can be 48 seconds of losing a GPS signal when driving, which can mean a missed turn. It’s those critical several seconds needed to connect with your Uber driver as you stand outside your hotel. It’s that frozen video when you exit from the metro or London Underground.
We’ve all experienced these “dead” seconds which make our busy days seem all that more frustrating. Your customers are no different, only they blame their mobile operator for the problem.
Now you, Mobile Operator, can eliminate this frustration and help your customers enjoy seamless Wi-Fi and cellular connections. Bond improves the customer experience with Wi-Fi and gives your customers the confidence to more often take advantage of free Wi-Fi connectivity.
Learn about the dead zone issue. Best spent 48 seconds of your career.