A Peek Under the [Data] Hood: Today’s New Emphasis on Mobiletech
By Philip Mustain, Mobolize | CEO, Co-Founder
In these challenging times, we hear lots about the growth of Fintech, Medtech, Edtech and other specialized technology areas that help us manage finances, medicine, distance learning, and more. But the key to the increased focus on these specialties is that mobile devices are at the center of how we live our lives.
That’s where Mobiletech comes in. Employees now work remotely, and many will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. But jobs are now done in less secure and efficient home networks and are more reliant than ever on mobile devices.
In fact, the pandemic has enhanced the role of technology. Analyst Tim Bajarin of TechPinons (www.techpinions.com) recently wrote, “The role of technology in the world has changed, and the realization is the modern world cannot function without technology. Everything from devices, to telco, to software, to cloud platforms are now so deeply ingrained in modern business, and there is no longer any debate about the essential nature of technology.”
Mobolize is Mobiletech. Mobile devices – particularly the smartphone – are the single most critical technology billions of people worldwide own and use daily. That essential device keeps them working, learning, socially and business-connected and provides access to critical resources, but it also needs to be connected and protected with Mobiletech which starts on the device itself.
Mobile devices are special because they are that – mobile. As a user moves about in a car, at home or walking their dog (there’s a lot more of that happening), smartphones have to deal with keeping both cellular and Wi-Fi connections consistent and strong. They need to eliminate what’s called dead zones where the mobile phone radio won’t let go of the Wi-Fi connection even when it is weak.
They also have to deal with unique security issues on Wi-Fi networks where hackers can silently and invisibly gain access to the data on a device. That’s right. The space between the phone and Wi-Fi network box is a wildland where hackers can gain access to unprotected data, and they often do.
It takes specialists in Mobiletech to understand that mobile protection and connection must be on the phone itself where issues can be instantly recognized and managed. The Mobolize Data Management Engine is the smart way to keep mobile users connected and protected on their mobile devices.
Recent proof of our Mobiletech success is the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) which launched Canadian Shield, an Enterprise-grade security service available to all Canadian citizens. The mobile app was developed by Mobolize and uses our patented Data Management Engine to better protect and connect mobile users. Click Here to watch a short video explaining the Canadian Shield service and its key benefits.
We’re proud to leverage our Mobiletech expertise with our Data Management Engine to provide mobile security, connectivity and network optimization to users around the globe. We find ourselves with the right Mobiletech solutions at the right time.
Please stay safe from the coronavirus. Keep washing your hands and social distancing, and using your mobile phones to safely stay connected.